Aylin Vural

Native to Washington, DC, Aylin Vural currently resides in Indianapolis, IN; acting as Color Guard Director for Brownsburg High School. In addition, Aylin is a costume designer, choreographer, color guard weapon and movement trainer for varying high schools as well as independent performance companies nationwide.
Her education includes Massage Therapy from Northcoast Medical Training Academy, Kent, OH with a focus in Sports Massage, 2 years studying at the Davis School of Fashion Design, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, and her current pursuit of a BS in Graphic Design from Full Sail University, Orlando, FL.
Aylin has an extensive portfolio of experience in dance, solo vocal, instrumental music, and color guard. Her Drum Corps International career started in 2011 with The Glassmen and was followed by 5 consecutive years with the Phantom Regiment – serving as color guard captain for both the 2015 and 2016 seasons. She was named the Mark Glasscoe Memorial Member of the Year, by unanimous vote, in those same years. Aylin’s WGI Independent World performance career was with Matrix Performing Arts, for 5 consecutive winter seasons, primarily as a dancer and visual performer, with some instrumental performance.
Professionally, for more than a decade, Aylin has traveled North America and parts of Asia, educating young performers, developing their skills and confidence within the pageantry arts. Currently, she is embarking upon her sixth year with the Bluecoats Drum and Bugle corps as a movement focused instructor, as well as her fourth year with Matrix.
She is continuing her involvement through her first year with Atlanta Quest World Independent Percussion, contributing to the design team, movement instruction and choreography, while also continuing to design and choreograph for high school programs – coast to coast. She has directed and been an administrator for various programs including: Kent State University (Color Guard Director), West Virginia University (marching band member, weapons choreographer), Eloquence Performance Company (Co-Director and choreographer), Firestone High School and West Shore School District (Color Guard Director and designer), and many more. In addition to being the Brownsburg Color Guard Director, Aylin assists with design and choreography for the high school’s indoor percussion ensemble and will be teaching the new academic dance class starting in the fall of 2023.
Outside of teaching, Aylin enjoys the quest for the world’s best coffee, attending sporting events, going for hikes, and relaxing on the beach!