Join the 2022 Brownsburg High School
Color Guard
Spring Training and Auditions for the 2022 High School Color Guard is open to all students who will be in high school next year (current 8th grade students – high school juniors). These students become performers of the Sound of Brownsburg High School Marching Band during the fall semester. They are then placed into an appropriate winter guard following the marching band season.
Spring Training begins on Tuesday, April 26, and continues every Tuesday and Thursday throughout April and May. Please see the calendar – – for Spring Training Times and Locations.
Once the color guard has been announced in May, students will be expected to attend every rehearsal throughout the summer and fall. Parents/Guardians will need to register their student for the marching band here: This link also contains information about payments, required forms, etc.
Please email Aylin Vural – – with questions.